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Start your Carfunding.

How to carfund for your ideal electric car on Cemaphoro.

Step 1

Select your EV

Begin by choosing the electric vehicle that suits your preferences and needs.

Step 2

Calculate your crowdfunding goal

Use our Carfunding Calculator to determine how much money you need to raise through crowdfunding. This step ensures that you'll have a clear target for your crowdfunding efforts.

Step 3

Secure a loan using your crowdfunding funds

After calculating your crowdfunding goal, you can initiate the crowdfunding process to gather the necessary funds. Once you've reached your required target, you can proceed to secure the lowest-rate loan from our network of lenders for the remaining portion of the EV's price.

The funds you've raised through crowdfunding can be utilized as a down payment or to reduce the loan amount, potentially resulting in more favorable loan terms.

Step 4

Drive your EV home

With your crowdfunding funds and the secured loan, you can drive your new EV home, enjoying the benefits of your well-planned financing strategy.